induced by|645.0|3793.0 associated with|768.0|3264.0 after|450.0|2630.0 due to|427.0|2274.0 caused by|340.0|2048.0 during|339.0|1823.0 following|296.0|1606.0 secondary to|179.0|707.0 produced by|84.0|606.0 during treatment with|114.0|513.0 after treatment with|77.0|453.0 related to|95.0|419.0 after administration of|48.0|255.0 associated with the use of|72.0|230.0 in patients treated with|53.0|226.0 in patients receiving|53.0|225.0 following treatment with|46.0|188.0 in a patient treated with|41.0|184.0 while receiving|50.0|174.0 in association with|27.0|139.0 resulting from|20.0|137.0 while taking|33.0|132.0 following administration of|26.0|129.0 in a patient receiving|39.0|128.0 complicating|25.0|128.0 after intravenous|23.0|122.0 while on|35.0|117.0 induced with|17.0|98.0 as a complication of|22.0|91.0 in patients taking|18.0|91.0 following intravenous|20.0|89.0 attributed to|26.0|86.0 after receiving|32.0|84.0 in a patient taking|22.0|77.0 following the use of|17.0|76.0 after taking|18.0|72.0 while being treated with|21.0|60.0 attributable to|21.0|57.0