- © 2006 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Phase II Trial of Alfimeprase, a Novel-Acting Fibrin Degradation Agent, for Occluded Central Venous Access Devices
- From the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill; Brody School of Medicine at Eastern Carolina University, Greenville, NC; Corvallis Clinic, Corvallis, OR; Clinical Research Consultants, Hoover, AL; Northwest Medical Specialties, Tacoma, WA; The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH; and Nuvelo Inc, San Carlos, CA.
- Address reprint requests to Steven R. Deitcher, MD, Nuvelo Inc, 201 Industrial Rd, Suite 310, San Carlos, CA 94070; e-mail: sdeitcher{at}nuvelo.com
Purpose Alfimeprase is a recombinantly produced, genetically modified variant of the metalloproteinase, fibrolase. Alfimeprase proteolytically cleaves fibrin, independent of plasminogen activation to plasmin, and directly dissolves thrombi. Based on the direct fibrin degradation effect of alfimeprase, rapid activity in patients with occluded central venous access devices (CVADs) was hypothesized.
Patients and Methods We performed a phase II, randomized, double-blind, active-control, multicenter, dose-ranging study to compare the safety and efficacy of one or two instillations of three intraluminal doses of alfimeprase (0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 mg) and alteplase 2.0 mg in re-establishing patency to occluded CVADs in 55 adult patients.
Results All three alfimeprase doses were more successful than alteplase during the first 15 and 30 minutes of treatment. The alfimeprase 3.0-mg dose resulted in 40%, 50%, and 60% patency restoration rates at 5, 15, and 30 minutes, respectively, compared with 0%, 0%, and 23% for alteplase. The difference at 15 minutes was highly significant (P = .0075). Alfimeprase 3.0 mg produced the highest patency rate at 120 minutes after the first (60%) and second (80%) doses. No major hemorrhagic or embolic events were reported.
Conclusion A single 1- or 3-mg dose of alfimeprase has the potential to restore function to occluded CVADs rapidly and safely, and to facilitate on-time infusion of vital therapies.
Central venous access devices (CVADs), also known as central venous catheters, are inserted to provide durable and reliable intravenous access in a wide array of patients. CVADs are placed to facilitate frequent venous blood sampling for laboratory testing and the continuous or periodic infusion of parenteral therapy such as chemotherapy, antibiotics, nutritional support, antiemetics, analgesics, and blood products. Catheter dysfunction, most commonly as a result of thrombotic occlusion, often necessitates the removal or exchange of the catheter and delay of therapy. Although the most commonly implanted CVADs are manufactured of materials that have been shown to have minimal thrombogenicity, the need for catheter removal due to thrombotic occlusion has been reported in as many as 25% of cases.1,2 Rapid restoration of catheter function is necessary to ensure timely delivery of vital therapy and efficient patient case management, primarily in the outpatient setting.
Alfimeprase (Nuvelo, San Carlos, CA) is a recombinantly produced, truncated form of fibrolase, a directly fibrinolytic zinc metalloproteinase that was first isolated from the venom of the Southern copperhead snake (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix).3 Alfimeprase has direct proteolytic activity against the fibrin Aα chain (to a lesser extent the Bβ chain) and directly degrades thrombi.4 Unlike thrombolytic agents such as urokinase, alteplase (tissue-type plasminogen activator), and tissue-type plasminogen activator variants, the mechanism of action of alfimeprase is independent of plasminogen activation, is not inhibited by plasminogen activator inhibitors, and is the basis for predicted faster activity. Alfimeprase can be bound covalently and neutralized irreversibly by plasma alpha2-macroglobulin, a prevalent mammalian serum protease inhibitor.5 Preclinical in vitro and in vivo pharmacology studies have shown that fibrin degradation with alfimeprase is up to six times more rapid than with select plasminogen activators.6 Completed phase I and II studies in patients with peripheral arterial occlusion support the fact that catheter-directed alfimeprase has the potential to be a fast and effective fibrinolytic without generation of a systemic lytic state.7,8
This study was designed to compare the safety and efficacy of three intraluminal fixed doses of alfimeprase with the US Food and Drug Administration–approved dose of alteplase (CathfloActivase; Genentech, South San Francisco, CA) in re-establishing function to occluded CVADs in adult patients.
This phase II, randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, multicenter dose-ranging study was conducted at 20 sites in the United States. The protocol was approved by the institutional review board/independent ethics committee at each study site and all patients, or their legal guardians, provided written informed consent before study enrollment.
Study Patients
Patients were eligible if they were 18 years of age or older, clinically stable, and had an occluded indwelling CVAD, defined as the inability to withdraw 3.0 mL of blood from at least one catheter lumen. Eligibility also required the ability to infuse at least 2 mL of fluid into the catheter lumen with withdrawal occlusion. Peripherally inserted central catheters, catheters with valves, and implanted ports were allowed. Catheters used for hemodialysis or therapeutic pheresis were not allowed. In patients with multiple-lumen catheters, only one lumen of the catheter (chosen at the discretion of the investigator) was to be used throughout the study for the assessment of CVAD function. There were no restrictions on CVAD duration of occlusion or on the length of time since implantation of the device, but CVADs inserted less than 48 hours before the detection of occlusion were excluded. Patients were excluded from the study if their occlusion was suspected to be due to incorrect catheter placement or other mechanical obstruction, or if they were pregnant or nursing, had sustained hypertension, or were at significant risk for bleeding.
Study Procedures
After random assignment to treatment, either alfimeprase (0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 mg) or alteplase (2.0 mg) was instilled into a single lumen of occluded CVADs at a volume of 2.0 mL in all treatment groups. Catheter patency restoration was assessed at 5, 15, 30, and 120 minutes after treatment with one or two instillations of study drug. Treatment success was assessed by attempting to aspirate 3.0 mL of venous blood with an empty, sterile, 10-mL syringe. If unsuccessful, any aspirated study drug was reinstilled. If successful, flushing of the lumen with 5.0 mL of sterile saline was attempted. If the first administration of study drug did not restore patency of the catheter after 120 minutes, a second dose of the same study drug preparation was instilled and CVAD function was assessed at 5, 15, 30, and 120 minutes after instillation. The maximum total dose a study patient could have received was 6.0 mg of alfimeprase in the alfimeprase 3-mg arm or 4.0 mg of alteplase in the active control arm.
Outcome Variables
Safety was assessed by evaluating the incidence of major hemorrhagic events, stroke (intracranial hemorrhage [ICH]), and embolic events for up to 5 days after treatment with study drug. Major hemorrhage was defined as severe blood loss (> 5 mL/kg) or blood loss requiring transfusion or causing hypotension. All other nonserious adverse events were recorded up to 24 hours after the first study drug instillation; all deaths and serious adverse events that were reported up to 30 days after study drug exposure were recorded. Safety monitoring included vital signs, ECGs, and clinical hematology, chemistry, and coagulation tests.
The major efficacy end points were the rates of successful restoration of function to an occluded CVAD at 5, 15, 30, and 120 minutes after each dose of a maximum of two administrations of study drug. The successful restoration of CVAD function was defined as the ability to withdraw 3.0 mL of blood and subsequently infuse 5.0 mL of sterile saline through the treated catheter lumen.
Statistical Methods
Baseline, demographic, and physical examination data were summarized using descriptive statistics. All statistical tests were two-tailed with α = .05. Pairwise comparisons between any two groups were used for exploratory analysis without multiple comparison adjustment. For the primary safety outcome measure, the proportion of patients with an ICH within 5 days of the first dose of study drug was used to estimate the event rate. The asymmetric 95% CI was determined using asymmetric CIs for small proportions. The incidences of serious and nonserious adverse events were tabulated and summarized. If a study patient had more than one adverse event with the same preferred term (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities [MedDRA] version 5.1), only the most related occurrence was counted for relatedness analysis and the most severe event was counted for severity analysis. Vital sign data, ECGs, and clinical laboratory tests were summarized using descriptive statistics. For the major efficacy analyses, the proportions of patients with restored CVAD function after up to two doses of study drug were compared using the Fisher's exact test with 95% CIs calculated using binomial distribution.
Fifty-five patients with CVAD withdrawal occlusion presumed to be caused by a fibrin clot were enrolled and randomly assigned to treatment between May 2003 and August 2004. Each patient received at least one instillation of study drug. Study patient and catheter characteristics are described in Table 1. No statistically significant differences among treatment groups for baseline characteristics were revealed by analysis of variance, except for height (P = .0312). No statistically significant differences in catheter insertion site or catheter type among treatment groups were observed.
Alfimeprase was generally well tolerated. No ICH, major hemorrhagic events, or embolic events were reported for any patients during this study. Fifteen (27%) patients experienced at least one adverse event: four (25%) of 16 in the 0.3-mg alfimeprase group, five (31%) of 16 in the 1.0-mg alfimeprase group, three (30%) of 10 in the 3.0-mg alfimeprase group, and three (23%) of 13 in the alteplase group. The majority of events were mild or moderate in severity. Seven (13%) patients had at least one adverse event that was considered by an investigator to be possibly or probably related to study drug ( Table 2). No type of adverse event was experienced by more than one patient except for generalized pruritus, which was reported for two patients. There was no obvious pattern of adverse events for any treatment group.
Five study patients experienced a total of 10 adverse events that were classified by an investigator as severe in nature: one patient each in the 0.3- and 3.0-mg alfimeprase groups and 2.0-mg alteplase group, and two patients in the 1.0-mg alfimeprase group. The events reported as severe were coagulopathy, lymphadenopathy, catheter-related infection, fungemia, Pseudomonas infection, hypercalcemia, metastatic ovarian cancer, depressed level of consciousness, renal failure, and gangrene. The one serious adverse event that was fatal (metastatic ovarian cancer) was considered not related to administration of alfimeprase. Two serious adverse events (depressed level of consciousness and renal failure), which occurred in one patient, were considered by an investigator to be possibly related to study drug. The one patient who developed renal failure and a depressed level of consciousness did so 15 and 18 days, respectively, after alfimeprase exposure. It is believed by the sponsor that the renal failure was most likely the result of sepsis and dehydration, and that the depressed level of consciousness was related to uremic encephalopathy.
There were no notable changes apparent in vital signs, ECG data, and clinical laboratory test results in any treatment group. One study patient had an elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level after dosing with 0.3 mg of alfimeprase. This patient had a baseline LDH of 216 U/L, a value of 251 U/L (upper limit of normal, 250 U/L) after dose 1, and a value of 763 U/L after dose 2. The AST, ALT, and total bilirubin levels were normal at all three time points in this patient. The one patient with an elevated LDH after exposure to alfimeprase had a history of renal insufficiency and the event was considered by the investigator to be an event of moderate severity and not related to alfimeprase administration.
Efficacy data are summarized in Table 3 and dose 1 efficacy data are presented graphically in Figure 1. Statistically significant differences in restoration of catheter patency between the 1.0-mg alfimeprase and the 2.0-mg alteplase groups (44% v 0%; P = .0084) and between the 3.0 mg alfimeprase and the 2.0-mg alteplase groups (50% v 0%; P = .0075) were observed 15 minutes after the administration of the first dose of study drug. Catheter patency was restored successfully within 120 minutes of the first instillation of study drug in six patients (60%) in the 3.0-mg alfimeprase group, nine patients (56%) in the 1.0-mg alfimeprase group, six patients (38%) in the 0.3-mg alfimeprase group, and six patients (46%) in the 2.0-mg alteplase group. Restoration of CVAD function was greatest in the 3.0-mg alfimeprase group (80%) followed by the 2.0-mg alteplase (62%), 1.0-mg alfimeprase (56%), and 0.3-mg alfimeprase (44%) groups at 120 minutes after up to a maximum of two doses of study drug (P = .3469).
This phase II clinical trial demonstrated that the direct fibrin degradation agent, alfimeprase, can restore CVAD function in up to 60% of treated patients in less than 30 minutes, with the majority of these successes occurring in 15 minutes or less when initial treatment is with 3 mg of alfimeprase. This rapid activity was associated with an acceptable and favorable safety profile. Treatment with alfimeprase was well tolerated, with no ICH, major hemorrhagic events, or embolic events reported for any study patient and no pattern of adverse events that suggested a safety concern.
The active comparator trial design facilitated the first comparison of alfimeprase with a plasminogen activator in humans. Unlike alteplase, alfimeprase is not a plasminogen activator. Alfimeprase directly degrades fibrin and thus intravascular and CVAD-associated thrombi by a plasminogen-independent mechanism. The distinct mechanism of action of alfimeprase is reflected by the rapid time course of cumulative study drug efficacy, as represented in Figure 1. The majority of alfimeprase activity was observed in the first 15 minutes after a single drug instillation.
Restoration of CVAD function in a matter of minutes is important because it may facilitate timely delivery of prescribed therapies. In addition, early identification of CVAD obstructions that are resistant to pharmacologic therapy may facilitate timely patient referral for more invasive means of catheter function restoration. The ability to either rapidly restore catheter function or facilitate prompt catheter replacement may foster a reduction in patient anxiety related to missed or delayed treatment and improve treatment center efficiency.
Adverse event rates were low in all treatment groups. This is not surprising considering the relatively small total doses of study drug and the fact that much, if not all, of the instilled drug may remain within the treated catheter lumen. In addition, the safety profile of alfimeprase is uniquely supported by its mechanism of inactivation by alpha2-macroglobulin. Any alfimeprase that may enter a patient's systemic circulation would be expected to bind rapidly and irreversibly to available alpha2-macroglobulin and remain functionally neutralized until cleared by the liver.9
A major limitation of this clinical trial was the relatively modest sample size. Comparative statistics should be interpreted carefully. Despite the limited sample size, the independent data and safety monitoring board reported no safety concerns and recommended additional study of the 3.0-mg alfimeprase dose. It should also be noted that the point estimate of patency restoration rates reported for alteplase in this head-to-head comparison were lower than those reported in past larger trials for the 30- and 120-minute time points.10,11 In this randomized, double-blind trial, intraluminal alteplase resulted in a 23% (95% CI, 5% to 54%) patency restoration rate at 30 minutes in contrast to a rate of 52% in the single-arm, open-label, safety Cardiovascular Thrombolytic to Open Occluded Lines 2 trial.11 The apparent difference may reflect differences in patient populations and differences in the nature of the catheter occlusions. This is the first and only reported assessment of alteplase for catheter occlusion treatment at the 5- and 15-minute time points after a single dose of drug. There are no data to our knowledge that demonstrate anything other than the greater rate of activity observed for alfimeprase compared with alteplase at these early time points.
The efficacy findings in this study suggest that alfimeprase may provide more rapid lysis of thrombi and faster restoration of CVAD function than currently available therapy. Efficacy and safety results of this study support the evaluation of a 3-mg dose of alfimeprase in phase III clinical trials involving adult patients with occluded CVAD.
The following investigators and sites participated in the study: Luigi Bertoli, MD, Southern Hematology & Oncology, Birmingham, AL; Donald Chamberlain, MD, Chattanooga GYN Oncology, Chattanooga, TN; Neal Christiansen, MD, South Carolina Oncology Associates, Columbia, SC; Kerry Cleveland, MD, Methodist Healthcare, Memphis, TN; Steven R. Deitcher, MD, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; James De Maio, MD, Northwest Medical Specialties, Tacoma, WA; Mark Fesen, MD, Hutchinson Clinic, Hutchinson, KS; Don Hall, MD, Baptist Hospital of East Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Howard Homesly, MD, Brody School of Medicine of East Carolina University, Greenville, NC; David Irwin, MD, Alta Bates Comprehensive Cancer Center, Berkeley, CA; Jan Jansen, MD, St Francis Hospital, Beech Grove, IN; Peter Kenyon, MD, Corvallis Clinic, Corvallis, OR; Paul Kiproff, MD, Allegheny Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA; Stephan Moll, MD, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC; Peter Morris, MD, North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem, NC; Ravi Patel, MD, Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center, Bakersfield, CA; Jose Prieto, MD, University Community Hospital, Tampa, FL; Ayman Saleh, MD, Forum Health/Western Reserve Care System, Youngstown, OH; Earl Schuman, MD, Emanuel Hospital, Portland, OR; and Peter Swischuk, MD, Horizon Institute for Clinical Research, Hollywood, FL.
Authors' Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest
Although all authors completed the disclosure declaration, the following authors or their immediate family members indicated a financial interest. No conflict exists for drugs or devices used in a study if they are not being evaluated as part of the investigation. For a detailed description of the disclosure categories, or for more information about ASCO's conflict of interest policy, please refer to the Author Disclosure Declaration and the Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest section in Information for Contributors.
Authors | Employment | Leadership | Consultant | Stock | Honoraria | Research Funds | Testimony | Other |
Stephan Moll | Nuvelo (A) | |||||||
Steven R. Deitcher | Nuvelo (N/R) | Nuvelo (C) | Nuvelo (A) |
Dollar Amount Codes (A) < $10,000 (B) $10,000-$99,900 (C) ≥ $100,000 (N/R) Not Required
Author Contributions
Conception and design: Steven R. Deitcher
Collection and assembly of data: Steven R. Deitcher
Data analysis and interpretation: Stephan Moll, Howard Homesley, Steven R. Deitcher
Manuscript writing: Stephan Moll, Peter Kenyon, Luigi Bertoli, James De Maio, Howard Homesley, Steven R. Deitcher
Final approval of manuscript: Stephan Moll, Peter Kenyon, Luigi Bertoli, James De Maio, Howard Homesley, Steven R. Deitcher
Statistically significant differences in catheter patency restoration rate between the 1.0-mg alfimeprase and the 2.0-mg alteplase groups (44% v 0%; P = .0084) and between the 3.0-mg alfimeprase and the 2.0-mg alteplase groups (50% v 0%; P = .0075) were observed 15 minutes after the administration of the first dose of study drug.
Study Patient and Catheter Characteristics
Adverse Events Possibly or Probably Related to Study Drug (investigator assessment)
Cumulative Patency Restoration Rates After One or Two Instillations of Study Drug
Supported by Nuvelo Inc, San Carlos, CA.
Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and author contributions are found at the end of this article.
- Received February 5, 2006.
- Accepted May 5, 2006.