- © 2002 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Clodronate in Patients With Primary Operable Breast Cancer
- Trevor Powles,
- Sandy Paterson,
- John A. Kanis,
- Eugene McCloskey,
- Sue Ashley,
- Alwynne Tidy,
- Kirsi Rosenqvist,
- Ian Smith,
- Lars Ottestad,
- Sandra Legault,
- Marjo Pajunen,
- Auli Nevantaus,
- Esa Männistö,
- Anne Suovuori,
- Sari Atula,
- Jaakko Nevalainen and
- Liisa Pylkkänen
- From the Royal Marsden National Health Service Trust, London, and University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom; Tom Baker Cancer Centre and University of Calgary, Calgary, and Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Canada; Leiras Oy, Helsinki, and The Central Hospital, Jyväskylä, Finland; and The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
- Address reprint requests to Trevor J. Powles, PhD, Breast Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Downs Rd, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5PT, United Kingdom; email: trevor.powles{at}rmh.nthames.nhs.uk
PURPOSE: The development of bone metastases depends on tumor-induced osteoclastic resorption of bone, which may be inhibited by the antiosteolytic bisphosphonate clodronate. Given to patients with primary breast cancer, clodronate might reduce the subsequent incidence of bone metastases.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This double-blind, multicenter trial accrued 1,069 assessable patients with operable breast cancer between 1989 and 1995. All patients received surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and tamoxifen as required. Patients were randomized to receive oral clodronate 1,600 mg/d or a placebo for 2 years starting within 6 months of primary treatment. The primary end point was relapse in bone, analyzed on an intent-to-treat basis, during the medication period and during the total follow-up period (median follow-up, 2,007 days). Secondary end points were relapse in other sites, mortality, and toxicity.
RESULTS: During the total follow-up period, there was a nonsignificant reduction in occurrence of bone metastases (clodronate, n = 63; placebo, n = 80; hazards ratio [HR], 0.77; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.56 to 1.08; P = .127). During the medication period there was a significant reduction in the occurrence of bone metastases (clodronate, n = 12; placebo, n = 28; HR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.86; P = .016). The occurrence of nonosseous metastases was similar (clodronate, n = 112; placebo, n = 128; P = .257), but there was a significant reduction in mortality (clodronate, n = 98; placebo, n = 129; P = .047) during the total follow-up period.
CONCLUSION: Clodronate, given to patients with primary operable breast cancer, may reduce the occurrence of bone metastases, although this reduction was only significant during this medication period. There was a significant reduction in mortality.
EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE indicates that the development of bone metastases from breast cancer is facilitated by the release of substances from tumor cells that activate osteoclasts to cause local osteolysis.1,2 Use of agents such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs2 or bisphosphonates, such as clodronate,3 inhibits tumor-induced osteolysis in vitro and prevents bone destruction and hypercalcemia in vivo.1-3 However, the development of soft tissue tumors in animals generally remain unaffected, indicating that the beneficial effects on bone metastases arise from the antiosteolytic properties of these agents.
In patients with established bone metastases from breast cancer, clodronate (1,600 mg/d orally)4,5 or pamidronate6,7 will reduce the incidence of hypercalcemia and pathologic bone fractures. In patients with relapsed breast cancer without obvious bone involvement, clodronate significantly reduces the subsequent risk of bone metastases.8 Similarly, in breast cancer patients with no clinical evidence of metastases, but with cancer cells detected in the bone marrow, clodronate has been reported to reduce the incidence of bone metastases.9,10
To determine the effect of clodronate on the development of bone and other metastases, we have completed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of clodronate in patients with primary breast cancer. In a subset of patients within this trial, we have previously reported that clodronate significantly reduced the loss of bone mineral density.11
Trial Design
This double-blind, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial evaluated the effect of adjuvant clodronate on the incidence of bone metastases, other metastases, and survival in patients having surgery, radiotherapy, and/or drug treatment for primary operable breast cancer. The trial centers were the Royal Marsden Hospital, London and Sutton, United Kingdom, the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary, Canada, 20 hospitals in Norway, the Hôpital St Luc, Montreal, Canada, and the Central Hospital, Jyväskylä, Finland. The University of Sheffield World Health Organization Metabolic Bone Unit, Sheffield, United Kingdom, analyzed and reviewed the trial radiologic data.
Inclusion criteria required that patients should have histologically or cytologically confirmed operable primary breast cancer with no evidence of metastatic disease or significant renal, hepatic, or nonmalignant bone disease. They should be psychologically and physically suitable for 2 years of oral clodronate or placebo, give written informed consent as approved by the research ethics committee for each center, and have no previous history of malignant disease or bisphosphonate use.
Eligible, consenting patients were randomized to receive either clodronate (Bonefos; Leiras Oy, Helsinki, Finland) 1,600 mg/d or an identical placebo regimen as four capsules once or two capsules bid, not taken with food, for 2 years. The study design required that randomization and medication should start within 6 months of primary treatment (surgery or preoperative chemotherapy) to avoid the problems of multiple medication schedules in patients receiving chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, radiation, and surgery. Medication for each patient was packed, coded, labeled, and supplied to each clinical center by Leiras Oy. Unused medication was recorded and returned.
Prerandomization assessment included clinical history and physical examination, hematologic, renal, and hepatic blood tests, urinary calcium, hydroxyproline and creatinine, and skeletal radiographs. Other investigations that included computed tomography scanning, magnetic resonance imaging, and bone scintigraphy were undertaken as clinically indicated. In a subset of patients, bone mineral density was measured by dual energy x-ray absorption.11 Radiologic assessments for bone metastases were repeated at 24 and 60 months and also when clinically indicated. Hematologic and biochemical tests were repeated at 3-month intervals for the first year, 6-month intervals until 5 years, and then annually.
Side effects, adverse events, and compliance were evaluated at 6 weeks, at 3-month intervals for the first year, at 6-month intervals until 5 years, and then annually. All centers were regularly monitored on site and the case report forms verified with the appropriate source documents in accordance with standards for Good Clinical Practice. Patients were randomized using random numbers tables and random permutated blocks by Leiras Oy. Patients were registered and randomized in each participating center by numerically ordered and coded drug packages labeled with the patient’s initials, study number, and hospital number.
One thousand sixty-nine patients were randomized to receive clodronate (n = 530) or placebo (n = 539) between November 28, 1989, and July 3, 1995, in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Scandinavia. A further 10 patients were randomized (clodronate, n = 8 and placebo, n = 2) but withdrew their consent before the initial assessment and start of medication. All 1,069 patients were assessable for clinical characteristics and follow-up and have been included in this analysis on an intent-to-treat basis (Table 1). Primary tumor surgical treatment consisted of wide excision or segmental mastectomy, with or without axillary dissection, or mastectomy according to the protocols of the participating centers. Some patients received preoperative chemotherapy. Radiotherapy was given according to local protocols. Tamoxifen 20 mg/d was given to 850 (80%) patients usually for 5 years, and chemotherapy was received by 683 (64%) patients (31 of whom received two types of chemotherapy) according to local protocols (Table 2). The chemotherapy was usually the standard mitoxantrone/methotrexate, cyclophosphamide/methotrexate/fluorouracil, mitoxantrone/methotrexate/mitomycin, doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide, epirubicin/cisplatin/fluorouracil infusion, or fluorouracil/epirubicin/cyclophosphamide regimens.
Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of 1,069 of the 1,079 Patients with Primary Operable Breast Cancer Randomized to Adjuvant Clodronate or Placebo
Table 2. Primary Surgical, Radiation, and Systemic Drug Treatment in 1,069 Patients
At relapse, appropriate local or systemic therapies were used according to the treatment protocols of the center. Clodronate/placebo medication was discontinued if bone relapse occurred, and bisphosphonate therapy was used as indicated for the skeletal complications of bone metastases.
The diagnosis of bone metastases required radiologic confirmation found either by routine skeletal x-rays at 24 and 60 months or by interval investigations, including bone scintigram and x-rays, because of symptoms or relapse at other sites. Vertebral collapse required confirmation of bone metastases by magnetic resonance imaging. Nonosseous metastases were defined as soft tissue (skin, lymph node, or other breast) or visceral (lung, pleura, liver, or CNS).
The end points for this trial were bone metastases, other metastases, and survival. Analysis was based on intent-to-treat according to a predetermined analysis plan. It had been estimated that 1,000 patients would be required with a follow-up of 3 years to detect a 50% reduction and 5 years to detect a 25% reduction in the incidence of bone metastases.
The final analysis for the primary events of metastatic relapse and survival with a data cutoff date of June 30, 2000, has been completed for this report. (The data cutoff for toxicity and confounding factors was June 30, 1997.) Analysis and figures were made using the SAS system (version 6.12 for Windows; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). P values were considered significant if they were ≤ .05 and marginally significant if between .05 and .10. All tests were two sided and calculated confidence intervals (CIs) were 95%.
All survival analyses were performed using the Cox proportional hazards model. The results were controlled for treatment center, stage, menopausal status, and hormone receptor status. The total follow-up period (median follow-up, 2007 days) and the medication period (the time to completion of medication; median, 730 days) were considered for analysis of events. Although this was not specified in the original protocol, this analysis plan was agreed on by the investigators before the analysis. Any interaction between the treatment effect and time was included in the Cox model, and the hazards ratio (HR) was estimated and tested separately for the medication period and postmedication period. Estimates for survival functions presented in figures were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. The event dates for different sites of metastases were the first recorded date for relapse at these sites independent of relapse at other sites. The censor date was the date of the last clinic visit or date of death either before the end of the medication period or to the data closure date (June 30, 2000).
Frequencies of toxicity, hematologic, and biochemical abnormalities between the treatment groups were tested using Fisher’s exact test. The data have been kept under annual review by an external data monitoring committee. No stopping rules were defined in the protocol, and the study is now closed.
The clodronate and placebo groups were well matched for each trial center and for the clinical characteristics of age, height, weight, menopausal status, tumor size and histologic type, choice of primary surgical treatment, axillary surgery, use of radiation therapy, systemic endocrine, and chemotherapy (Tables 1 and 2⇑). The time from primary treatment (surgery or preoperative chemotherapy) to the start of clodronate (mean, 49.1 ± 74.0 days) and placebo (mean, 47.3 ± 81.1 days) was similar for both groups.
At the time of data cutoff (June 30, 2000), the median follow-up for patients on clodronate was 2,011 days and 2,007 days for the placebo group (Table 3). Only 31 patients were lost to follow-up, and 227 patients have died. Relapse data to the time of loss of follow-up or death was included in the survival analysis.
Table 3. Incidence of Bone, Nonosseous Metastases and Death in Patients With Primary Breast Cancer on Clodronate or Placebo
Radiologic evidence of bone metastases was detected in a total of 143 patients. During the study medication period, there was a significant reduction in the occurrence of bone metastases for patients on clodronate (n = 12 or 2.3% of total) compared with placebo (n = 28 or 5.2% of total) (HR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.86; P = .016). For the total follow-up period, there was a nonsignificant reduction in occurrence of bone metastases for patients randomized to clodronate (n = 63) compared with placebo (n = 80) (HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.56 to 1.08; P = .127) (Fig 1). The actuarial bone metastases-free survival at 2 years was 96.2% for clodronate and 93.3% for placebo (P = .016) and 88.9% for clodronate and 89.8% for placebo (P = .127) at 5 years. Possible confounding factors such as stage, menopausal status, and hormone receptor status were equally distributed between the two groups indicating no evidence of imbalance. After adjustment for confounding factors, the effect of clodronate on reducing the occurrence of bone metastases remained the same.
There was no significant difference in the occurrence of nonosseous metastases during the total follow-up period (clodronate, n = 112; placebo, n = 128; P = .257) or during the medication or postmedication periods (Fig 2). The actuarial nonskeletal metastases-free survival at 2 years was 89.7% for clodronate and 89.1% for placebo (P = 1.00) and 79.6% for clodronate and 76.5% for placebo (P = .257) at 5 years. However, there was a significant reduction in mortality for patients randomized to clodronate (clodronate, n = 98; placebo, n = 129; HR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.59 to 1.00; P = .047) (Fig 3). The actuarial overall survival at 2 years was 92.7% for clodronate and 92.4% for placebo (P = .212) and 82.9% for clodronate and 79.3% for placebo (P = .047) at 5 years.
Clodronate and placebo were well tolerated. The only significant side effects for patients on clodronate (Table 4) were an increased occurrence of diarrhea (clodronate, n = 88; placebo, n = 40; P < .001) and a decreased occurrence of skin rash (clodronate, n = 76; placebo, n = 111; P < .001).
Table 4. Acute Toxicity, Hematologic and Biochemical Abnormalities in 1,069 Patients Randomized to Clodronate or Placebo
The results of this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial indicate that oral clodronate 1,600 mg/d given for 2 years to patients with primary operable breast cancer will reduce the subsequent occurrence of bone metastases, but this is only significant during the medication period (P = .016). The magnitude of this observed reduction in the occurrence of bone metastases during the medication period and the evidence that it was not maintained in the postmedication period is similar to that reported by Diel et al9,10 in patients with primary breast cancer with detected micrometastases in the bone marrow. From these results, it is not possible to predict if a longer medication period would give rise to a more prolonged beneficial effect. The mechanism by which clodronate could reduce the occurrence of bone metastases may be attributable to the drug’s ability to inhibit osteoclast function.2,3
With regard to nonosseous metastases, we have been unable to show a significant reduction in overall occurrence (clodronate, n = 112; placebo, n = 128; P = .257), although there was a nonsignificant trend for such an effect for visceral metastases. Survival was significantly prolonged for patients randomized to receive clodronate (P = .047).
Overall, our results are consistent with those reported by Diel10 and contrast markedly with a report by Saarto et al12 that adjuvant clodronate failed to reduce the occurrence of bone metastases in patients with primary breast cancer associated with an increased occurrence of nonosseous metastases and reduced survival. This trial recruited only 282 assessable patients, was not placebo controlled, and had an imbalance for hormone receptor status, which when corrected, negated the significance of the reduction in distant disease-free survival and overall survival.
Our observed beneficial effect on bone, but not nonosseous, metastases is in keeping with experimental data indicating that antiosteolytic agents reduce the occurrence of bone metastases but not soft tissue tumors in rats.1 However, clodronate could have additional therapeutic effects on tumor burden in bone by an effect on the local release of growth factors such as transforming growth factor beta or insulin-like growth factor 1.13 In this context, although not a primary end point of this study, it is of interest that the number of patients with metastases identified within bone marrow was lower in clodronate-treated patients (n = 5) than in placebo-treated patients (n = 21). Bisphosphonates may also have a direct effect on tumor growth in vitro by inducing apoptosis.13
What are the therapeutic implications of these results? It has been shown that clodronate will significantly reduce the osteolytic complications of hypercalcemia, fractures, and pain associated with established bone metastases in patients with breast cancer.4,5 Furthermore, it will significantly reduce the occurrence of new bone metastases by about 50% in patients with nonosseous relapsed breast cancer8 and in patients with primary breast cancer and micrometastases in the bone marrow,9 although this effect, like ours, is not maintained in the postmedication period.10 Our results indicate that clodronate reduced the occurrence of bone metastases in patients with primary operable breast cancer, although this was only significant during the medication period. Furthermore, we have noted a significantly improved overall survival. These results need further evaluation by large clinical trials of adjuvant clodronate (such as the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project B-34 trial, which has started accrual) and other bisphosphonates used for longer treatment periods to establish the clinical role of antiosteolytic bisphosphonate therapy for patients with primary operable breast cancer.
We thank the patients for participating, Leiras Oy for the medication, and the following data coordinators and nurses at the trial centers and the Bone Assessment Unit, Sheffield: Lesley Ann Flook, Rhonda Fairholm, Helen Darwin, Linda Dobni, Geraldine Walsh, Lise Rustad, Janine Garvis, Marjatta Kerajärvi, Monique Beneton, and Linda Reaney.
- Received November 16, 2001.
- Accepted March 15, 2002.