- © 2006 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Prognostic Significance of Chromosome Aberrations in High-Grade Soft Tissue Sarcomas
- Fredrik Mertens,
- Ulf Strömberg,
- Anders Rydholm,
- Pelle Gustafson,
- Henrik C.F. Bauer,
- Otte Brosjö and
- Nils Mandahl
- From the Departments of Clinical Genetics, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Orthopedics, Lund University Hospital, Lund; and the Department of Orthopedics, Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
- Address reprint requests to Fredrik Mertens, MD, PhD, Department of Clinical Genetics, Lund University Hospital, SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden; e-mail: fredrik.mertens{at}med.lu.se
Purpose To investigate whether previously observed correlations between tumor karyotype and risk of metastases could be reproduced in an independent set of high-grade soft tissue sarcomas (STSs).
Patients and Methods In a previous study on high-grade STSs with clonal chromosome aberrations, we identified a number of cytogenetic variables, besides tumor grade and size, that were associated with significantly increased risk of metastases. In the present study, we have tested the predictive value of these cytogenetic variables in a new set of 156 high-grade STSs, all located in the extremities or trunk wall.
Results Of the 10 cytogenetic variables that turned out to provide prognostic information in the previous series, encompassing 122 trunk wall or extremity STSs, three were significantly associated with metastases also in the new series. In a final Cox regression analysis including these three cytogenetic variables, as well as tumor grade and size, on the combined series of 278 high-grade STSs, four parameters were found to be significantly associated with metastasis risk: tumor grade 3, tumor size ≥ 5 cm, breakpoint in region 1p1, and gain of region 6p1.
Conclusion Our findings suggest that independent prognostic information may be gained from cytogenetic analysis of high-grade STS.
For patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) in the extremities or trunk wall, survival is dependent largely on whether metastases develop. Distant spread, most often to the lungs, is seen in more than one third of all STS patients, and usually becomes clinically manifest within 2 years after the diagnosis of the primary lesion. Attempts to identify features that may predict metastases have been hampered by the inherent heterogeneity of STS, as well as by the relative rarity of these tumors. Thus, currently used prognostication systems rely on relatively crude clinical parameters, such as tumor size and depth, and histopathologic parameters such as morphologic subtype, grade, necrosis, and vascular invasion, all of which suffer from interobserver variability.1-6 Lately, the potential value of various tumor characteristics at the DNA and protein levels have been studied, but, as discussed recently by Oliveira and Fletcher,7 most of the reported claims for novel prognostic markers either have been disputed by discordant results or have not been substantiated in independent patient series.
We have studied previously the prognostic significance of cytogenetic findings in a series of 467 benign and malignant soft tissue tumors, including 151 high-grade (grades 2 and 3 in a three-grade scale) sarcomas.8 In that study, clonal chromosome aberrations were categorized according to general karyotypic features (eg, degree of complexity and ploidy level) and rearrangements of specific chromosomal regions. These cytogenetic variables then were analyzed regarding time to metastasis, and selected variables were compared with established clinicopathologic predictors of metastasis development. Among the patients with high-grade sarcoma, 17 variables, in addition to grade and size, that were associated with increased risk of metastases were identified, and five of these emerged as independent cytogenetic predictors of adverse outcome: breakpoints in chromosome regions 1p1, 1q4, 14q1, and 17q2, and gain of regions 6p1/p2. Furthermore, an increasing effect on metastatic risk was seen with increasing number of the selected cytogenetic variables, even when different histopathologic types were studied separately.8
The present investigation was undertaken in order to investigate whether the previously observed clinicocytogenetic correlations could be reproduced in an independent set of high-grade STSs. For this purpose, we retrieved the clinicopathologic and cytogenetic data on 156 high-grade STSs located in the extremities or trunk wall, and studied the effect on metastasis risk for those cytogenetic variables that had been selected from our previously published series.
Patients and Tumor Characteristics in Previously Reported Series (series 1)
The clinical, histopathologic, and cytogenetic characteristics of the 151 high-grade STS included in series 1 have been described in detail.8 Because the new series (series 2) contained only STS of the extremities and trunk wall, we excluded the four and 25 cases, respectively, with head and neck and retroperitoneal tumors from series 1. The clinicopathologic features of the remaining 122 cases (105 in the extremities and 17 in the trunk wall) of STS in series 1 are presented in Table 1. Metastases occurred in 59 cases (48%). Median time to first metastasis was 12 months (range, 0 to 180 months); nine of the patients had metastases already at diagnosis, and 58 (98%) developed metastases within 80 months. The 63 patients without metastases had a median follow-up time of 84 months (range, 0 to 307 months); eight patients (7%) had a follow-up that was less than 24 months. The distribution of tumors according to histopathologic subgroups is shown in Table 1.
Clinical Features in Two Series of High-Grade Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Patients and Tumor Characteristics in the New Series (series 2)
Series 2 included 156 patients with high-grade STS (grade 2 or 3 in a three-grade scale). All patients had been treated at the orthopedic oncology centers in Lund and Stockholm, Sweden, between 1986 and 1999. All sarcomas were located in the extremities or in the trunk wall, and diagnoses and grading were based on routine analyses performed by experienced soft tissue pathologists at the respective tumor orthopedic center. Whereas all tumors in series 1 had been part of separate studies within the Chromosomes and Morphology (CHAMP) study group, focused on cytogenetic-morphologic correlations in selected histotypes, the tumors in series 2 were more representative of a consecutive series of high-grade STS and had not been subject to histopathologic re-evaluation. Thus, series 2 included a larger proportion of so-called malignant fibrous histiocytomas and unclassified pleomorphic sarcomas (Table 1). For tumors classified according to a four-grade scale, grade 3 was considered to correspond to grade 2 and grade 4 to grade 3 in the three-grade system. All patients had been followed regularly for the detection of local recurrence or distant metastasis. No patients had received preoperative radio- or chemotherapy. Follow-up times were calculated as the time between surgery and compilation of the database for this study. The clinicopathologic features of the 156 cases of STS in series 2 are summarized in Table 1. Metastases occurred in 65 cases (42%). Median time to first metastasis was 10 months (range, 0 to 122 months); 7 (11%) of the patients already had metastases at diagnosis, and 64 (98%) developed metastases within 64 months. The 91 patients without metastases had a median follow-up time of 72 months (range, 1 to 173 months); 6 patients (4%) had a follow-up that was less than 24 months. The distribution of tumors according to histopathologic subgroups is shown in Table 1.
Ethical permission for the study as obtained from the ethics committee at Lund University
G-banded metaphase spreads from short-term cultured tumor cells were obtained as reported.9 Karyotypes were described according to the International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN).10 Only cases with clonal acquired aberrations were included. Breakpoints (B), gains (G), and losses (L) were registered as previously described.8 For the statistical analyses, we classified each karyotype with respect to the presence or absence of any of the 17 cytogenetic variables that in our previous study8 turned out to be significant (P ≤ .1) prognostic markers at multivariate Cox analysis: breakpoint in chromosome region 1p1, 1q4, 10p1, 10q1, 14q1 or 17q2; loss of chromosome region 10p1; and gain of chromosome region 1p2, 1p1, 1q1, 6p1, 6p2, 6q1, 7p1, 7p2, 9q2, or 9q3. Chromosome regions were defined according to ISCN.10
Statistical Analyses
In the present study, we studied the prognostic effect of the cytogenetic variables that had been identified through a screening procedure described in detail previously.8 Also in the new series (series 2), we first studied the impact of clinicopathologic parameters on time to metastasis. Then, the additional prognostic effects of the selected cytogenetic variables were studied, and those that implied a log-rank P ≤ 0.10 were selected for further analyses. Finally, the relevant clinicopathologic variables and the cytogenetic variables that showed a statistically significant additional effect were forwarded in a stepwise selection procedure (entry only if P ≤ .05 and removal only if P ≥ .10). Modeling of the final prognostic factors was checked graphically.11 We used the log likelihood ratio test as well as Wald's test for obtaining P values from the modeling.12 Hazard ratios with 95% CI are presented as effect measures. The statistical computations were carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows (release 11.5.1; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
Impact of Clinical Variables on Time to Metastasis
Among the 122 patients with trunk wall and extremity STS in series 1, sex (female; P = .007), tumor size (≥ 5 cm; P = .01), tumor depth (deep; P = .04), and malignancy grade (grade 3; P = .004) were associated with metastases (Table 1). Also among the 156 patients in series 2, tumor size (P = .03) and grade (P < .001) were associated with metastases, but sex and depth were not (Table 1). In the Cox regression analyses including malignancy grade and tumor size, both size and grade turned out to be significant in series 1, but in series 2 only grade was significant (Table 2). In the combined series, both grade and size were significant (Table 2).
Effects of Malignancy Grade and Tumor Size on Metastasis Risk
Additional Impact of Cytogenetic Variables on Time to Metastasis
The prognostic effects of the 17 significant cytogenetic variables identified in series 1 were retested in series 1 after excluding 29 tumors that were not located in the extremities or the trunk wall. In this set of 122 tumors, 11 of the cytogenetic variables remained significant (P ≤ .1) besides grade and size (Table 3). Two of the 11 variables—gain of the adjacent chromosome regions 9q2 and 9q3—were always seen together, and were thus combined into one variable, yielding a total of 10 variables. The 156 cases in series 2 were then tested for only these 10 cytogenetic variables, three of which (breakpoint in region 1p1, and gains of regions 1p1 and 6p1) turned out to be associated significantly (P ≤ .1) with metastases at multivariate Cox analysis (Table 3).
Additional Effects (besides grade and size) of the Selected Cytogenetic Variables on the HR of Having a Metastasis Diagnosed
The two series were combined and the hazard ratios were recalculated for the three cytogenetic variables that provided additional prognostic information in both series 1 and 2. Among these 278 high-grade STSs, all three cytogenetic variables provided independent prognostic information (P ≤ .005).
In the final, stepwise Cox regression analysis of the combined material, two markers—breakpoint in 1p1 and gain of 6p1—became statistically significant in addition to grade and size (Table 4).
Final Multivariate Model Obtained After Forward Stepwise Selection of the Cytogenetic Variables B1p1, G1p1, and G6p1, Together With the Clinical Variables Grade and Size in the Combined Series of 278 High-Grade Soft Tissue Sarcomas
In a previous analysis of 151 high-grade STSs with clonal chromosome aberrations, we investigated a large number (n = 268) of cytogenetic variables with regard to possible association with metastases.8 In the final analysis, when the relative impact of clinicopathologic and selected cytogenetic variables were compared with one another, malignancy grade, tumor size and depth, and five of the cytogenetic variables—breakpoints in chromosome regions 1p1, 1q4, 14q1, and 17q2 and gain of the short arm of chromosome 6—turned out to be associated independently with metastases. By necessity, however, the statistical screening approach used in that study will result in some false-positive correlations. False-negative results might have appeared due to low statistical power for rare cytogenetic aberrations, as well. In the present study, for which we had collected cytogenetic data on a new set of 156 high-grade STSs, we wanted to assess whether the previously identified correlations were reproducible. In order to make the two series more compatible, and to reduce an impact of tumor location on metastasis development, we decided to include only those tumors that were located in the extremites and trunk wall, yielding a total of 122 cases from the previous series and 156 in the new one. The patient characteristics (eg, regarding follow-up times and frequencies of metastases) were similar in the two series, the only obvious difference being the distribution of histopathologic subtypes of STS. To some extent this difference was due to the fact that the tumors in series 1 had all been part of separate studies within the CHAMP study group, focused on cytogenetic-morphologic correlations in selected histotypes (eg, adipocytic, fibroblastic, and spindle cell tumors). In contrast, the tumors in series 2 were more representative of a consecutive series of high-grade STS and had not been subject to detailed histopathologic re-evaluation. Thus, series 2 included a larger proportion of so-called malignant fibrous histiocytomas and unclassified pleomorphic sarcomas. Despite the differences between the two series, it could be noted that in the combined series, STSs showing myogenic differentiation were associated with increased risk for metastasis (27 of 47 v 97 of 231; P = .005), a finding that is in line with previous studies of pleomorphic STS.13-15
As expected, grade and size turned out to be strong predictors of metastasis also in series 2. More interestingly, however, three of the 10 previously identified cytogenetic variables—breakpoint in 1p1 and gain of regions 1p1 and 6p1—turned out to provide additional prognostic information also in the new series (Table 3). Furthermore, in our previous study, five cytogenetic markers (ie, breakpoints in 1p1, 1q4, 14q1, and 17q, and gain of 6p1/p2) were statistically significant in addition to clinicopathologic parameters. In the present, combined series of the 278 sarcomas, two of these cytogenetic variables—breakpoint in region 1p1 and gain of region 6p1—remained statistically significant, in addition to grade and size, after the Cox regression analysis (Table 4). These two aberrations, present in 42 and 18 STSs, respectively, were distributed proportionally among the major histopathologic subtypes (data not shown). The numbers of cases in each morphologic subtype were too small to allow for statistical comparison of the seven of eight myogenic and 10 of 21 pleomorphic sarcomas with breakpoints in 1p1, and in three of three myogenic and six of nine pleomorphic sarcomas with gain of region 6p1. Furthermore, only two cases displayed both aberrations, and they were seen as part of highly complex karyotypes as well as together with well-known primary rearrangements, such as the t(X;18) in synovial sarcoma. Taken together, these features suggest that breaks in 1p1 and gain of 6p1 are not part of the same genetic pathway.
Although the results of the present study suggest strongly that structural rearrangements of the proximal part of chromosome arm 1p and gain of the proximal part of 6p are associated with the risk of metastases in patients with high grade STS, the molecular genetic consequences of these chromosomal rearrangements remain unclear. The resolution level we have used in these studies (ie, the chromosome region) is low—chromosome region 1p1 spans approximately 17 Mb and 6p1 14 Mb—and precludes speculations on whether specific genes might be affected by the rearrangements.
From a clinical point of view, the ideal prognostic marker should identify all patients, and exclusively those patients, who will develop metastases (ie, show 100% specificity and sensitivity). From the results of this and other studies, it seems safe to conclude, however, that it is unlikely that such a marker will ever appear for the heterogeneous group of tumors collectively referred to as STSs. The cytogenetic variables that remained significant, besides clinicopathologic parameters, were present in only 15% (breakpoint in 1p1) and 6% (gain of 6p1) of the cases (ie, in less than half of the patients who developed metastases). On the other hand, the same problem with specificity and/or sensitivity also applies to many of the clinical parameters that are widely used as prognostic marker in high-grade STS. For instance, in our study, a tumor size of ≥ 5 cm, which appeared as a strong independent predictor of metastases, was seen in 80% of the cases (ie, as often in tumors that did not metastasize as in those that did). Thus, when deciding on treatment strategies for patients with high-grade STS, one will have to take into account several parameters, among which the tumor karyotype may be a valuable adjunct.
Authors' Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest
The authors indicated no potential conflicts of interest.
Author Contributions
Conception and design: Fredrik Mertens, Ulf Strömberg, Anders Rydholm, Nils Mandahl
Financial support: Fredrik Mertens, Nils Mandahl
Provision of study materials or patients: Anders Rydholm, Pelle Gustafson, Henrik C.F. Bauer, Otte Brosjö, Nils Mandahl
Collection and assembly of data: Fredrik Mertens, Ulf Strömberg, Anders Rydholm, Pelle Gustafson, Henrik C.F. Bauer, Otte Brosjö, Nils Mandahl
Data analysis and interpretation: Fredrik Mertens, Ulf Strömberg, Anders Rydholm, Pelle Gustafson, Henrik C.F. Bauer, Otte Brosjö, Nils Mandahl
Manuscript writing: Fredrik Mertens, Ulf Strömberg, Anders Rydholm, Pelle Gustafson, Henrik C.F. Bauer, Otte Brosjö, Nils Mandahl
Final approval of manuscript: Fredrik Mertens, Ulf Strömberg, Anders Rydholm, Pelle Gustafson, Henrik C.F. Bauer, Otte Brosjö, Nils Mandahl
- Cytogenetic-morphologic correlations:
- Studies that correlate cytogenetic findings in tumor cells to tumor morphology. Cytogenetically, the structure of the chromosome is analyzed for chromosomal aberrations using cytogenetic banding tech niques such as G-banding and molecular cytogenetics such as fluoresence in situ hybridization and comparative genomic hybridization. Tumor morphology is typically determined by a clinical pathologist using histochemical techniques.
- Karyotype:
- An organized chromosomal profile defining chromosomal arrangement and number. In a karyotype, chromosomes are photographically arranged and displayed in pairs, ordered by size. Chromosomal size, banding pattern, and centromere position are typically used as guides to determine chromosomal abnormalities, but improved resolution may be obtained by combining traditional banding techniques with genome-wide molecular cytogenetics such as multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and locus-specific FISH.
- Myogenic:
- Pertaining to muscle tissue, myogenic may be related to any of the following: formation of muscle tissue, origination from myocytes or muscle tissue, or molecular signals pertinent to muscle tissues.
- Pleomorphic:
- Having the ability to exist in various different shapes and forms.
Supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Children's Cancer Fund.
Terms in blue are defined in the glossary, found at the end of this article and online at www.jco.org.
Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and author contributions are found at the end of this article.
- Received June 14, 2005.
- Accepted August 8, 2005.