- © 2008 by American Society of Clinical Oncology
Impact of a Mixed Strength and Endurance Exercise Intervention on Insulin Levels in Breast Cancer Survivors
- Jennifer A. Ligibel,
- Nancy Campbell,
- Ann Partridge,
- Wendy Y. Chen,
- Taylor Salinardi,
- Haiyan Chen,
- Kristie Adloff,
- Aparna Keshaviah and
- Eric P. Winer
- From the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Channing Laboratory, Boston, MA
- Corresponding author: Jennifer A. Ligibel, MD, 44 Binney St, Boston, MA 02115; e-mail: jligibel{at}partners.org
Purpose Accumulating data suggest that exercise may affect breast cancer risk and outcomes. Studies have demonstrated that high levels of insulin, often seen in sedentary individuals, are associated with increased risk of breast cancer recurrence and death. We sought to analyze whether exercise lowered insulin concentrations in breast cancer survivors.
Methods One hundred one sedentary, overweight breast cancer survivors were randomly assigned either to a 16-week cardiovascular and strength training exercise intervention or to a usual care control group. Fasting insulin and glucose levels, weight, body composition, and circumference at the waist and hip were collected at baseline and 16 weeks.
Results Baseline and 16-week measurements were available for 82 patients. Fasting insulin concentrations decreased by an average of 2.86 μU/mL in the exercise group (P = .03), with no significant change in the control group (decrease of 0.27 μU/mL, P = .65). The change in insulin levels in the exercise group seemed greater than the change in controls, but the comparison did not reach statistical significance (P = .07). There was a trend toward improvement in insulin resistance in the exercise group (P = .09) but no change in fasting glucose levels. The exercise group also experienced a significant decrease in hip measurements, with no change in weight or body composition.
Conclusion Participation in an exercise intervention was associated with a significant decrease in insulin levels and hip circumference in breast cancer survivors. The relationship between physical activity and breast cancer prognosis may be mediated, in part, through changes in insulin levels and/or changes in body fat or fat deposition.
Growing evidence suggests that physical activity may significantly impact breast cancer risk and outcomes. Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that physically active women have a lower risk of breast cancer compared with women who are more sedentary.1-3 Several recent observational studies have also suggested that women who are physically active before or after breast cancer diagnosis have better breast cancer–specific and overall survival compared with inactive women.4-6
The biologic mechanisms underlying the relationship between exercise and breast cancer are not completely understood. Postulated mechanisms have focused largely on exercise-induced changes in sex hormone concentrations, but recent studies have also suggested that elevated insulin levels, often associated with obesity and inactivity, may play a role in breast cancer pathogenesis and progression. Although studies examining the relationship between insulin levels and the risk of developing a primary breast cancer have been somewhat mixed,7,8 recent studies in patients with early-stage breast cancer have demonstrated a clear relationship between levels of insulin or c-peptide, a marker of insulin resistance, and risk of breast cancer recurrence and death.9,10
Prior studies in non–breast cancer patients have demonstrated that exercise can improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in both diabetic and nondiabetic populations,11-13 but trials to date have not demonstrated an exercise-induced reduction of insulin levels in breast cancer populations. Our study aimed to evaluate the impact of a moderate-intensity, mixed strength and aerobic exercise intervention on fasting insulin levels in a group of sedentary breast cancer survivors. Secondary end points included the impact of exercise on anthropometric measures and compliance with the exercise prescription.
Study Population
Participants were recruited from the Breast Oncology Clinic at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute between May 2004 and June 2006. Eligibility criteria included histologic evidence of stage I to III invasive breast cancer, completion of any chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy at least 3 months before enrollment, absence of diabetes, no use of corticosteroids, body mass index (BMI) more than 25 and/or body fat percentage more than 30% (Quantum II Bioelectric Body Composition Analyzer; RJL Systems, Clinton Township, MI), and baseline participation in less than 40 minutes of physical activity per week. Hormonal therapy was allowed as long as patients continued the therapy for the duration of the study. Baseline exercise was assessed via interview by study staff. Patients were excluded if they had evidence of persistent or recurrent breast cancer, other malignancy, uncontrolled heart disease, or other contraindications to exercise.
Medical clearance was obtained from potential participants' medical oncologists. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and informed consent was obtained from participants before enrollment.
Study Design
After enrollment, participants were randomly assigned 1:1 to an exercise intervention group or control group. The intervention group participated in a 16-week exercise intervention. The control group received routine care for 16 weeks and was then offered consultation with an exercise trainer at the end of the control period. Participants were stratified by menopausal status, which was defined by the presence or absence of a menstrual cycle within the past year, at the time of study entry.
Exercise Intervention
The exercise intervention consisted of a 16-week supervised strength training and home-based cardiovascular training protocol. Participants completed two supervised 50-minute strength training sessions per week and were asked to complete 90 minutes of home-based aerobic exercise weekly. All participants were asked to avoid changes in dietary habits for weight loss purposes for the duration of the study. See the Appendix (online only) for a detailed description of the exercise intervention.
Demographic data, disease and treatment information, and baseline physical activity information were collected via interview before participant enrollment. All disease and treatment information was confirmed through review of medical records. Participants underwent a series of anthropometric measurements at the time of study enrollment (baseline), and these were repeated at the completion of the 16-week study period by study staff who were not blinded to group assignment. For women in the intervention group, this final sample was obtained 3 to 5 days after the last weight training session, and women were asked to avoid strenuous activity during this time period. For participants in the control group, the second set of measurements was obtained 15 to 17 weeks after study enrollment.
All measurements were collected after a 12-hour, overnight fast. Body weight and height were measured using a calibrated Scale-Tronix scale (Scale-Tronix, White Plains, NY), with participants wearing street clothes and no shoes. These data were used to calculate BMI using the following formula: BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)2. Waist circumference was measured at the bending line, and hip measurement was recorded at the point of maximum girth. Waist-to-hip ratio was calculated as follows: waist-to-hip ratio = waist (cm)/hip (cm). Body composition was measured using a bioelectric impedance analyzer (Quantum II Bioelectric Body Composition Analyzer; RJL Systems).
Compliance with the exercise intervention was assessed through attendance of strength training sessions and self-reported aerobic exercise. Participants recorded daily minutes of aerobic activity in exercise logs for the duration of the study. Strength was measured by recording the maximal weight lifted for each exercise during strength training sessions.
Fasting blood was drawn at baseline and 16 weeks for all study participants. Two 10-mL red-top tubes were collected for serum. After the blood was clotted, the samples were centrifuged at 2,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. Serum was then separated, transferred into cryovials, labeled with freezer-proof labels with participant identification numbers and date, and stored at −70°C until all samples were collected. Insulin and glucose analyses were performed at Quest Diagnostic Laboratory (Cambridge, MA) by technicians blinded to group assignment. All insulin and glucose samples were run in a single batch to avoid interassay variability. Glucose was measured using a hexokinase ultraviolet assay, and insulin was measured using an immunochemiluminometric assay. Insulin was measured in μU/mL (1 μU/mL = 6.954 pmol/L). Insulin resistance was calculated by the Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA), with the following formula: HOMA = [insulin (μU/mL) × glucose (mg/dL)]/405.
Sample Size Justification and Statistical Analysis
Previous studies in non–breast cancer populations suggested that enrolling 40 patients per group would give us 80% power with a two-sided α = .05 to detect a mean difference in the change of insulin levels of 1.3 μU/mL between the exercise and control groups, assuming equal variance and a standard deviation of 2.0 μU/mL.14 We enrolled 50 patients per group to account for an anticipated dropout rate of approximately 20%.
Analyses for the changes in hormonal and anthropometric measurements included 82 participants for whom both baseline and week 16 blood samples and physical measurements were available. Two-sample t tests with the assumption of unequal variance were used to compare baseline and week 16 anthropometric and hormonal measurements in the exercise and control groups, as well as mean changes in these measurements over the study period. The absolute changes in fasting insulin, glucose, and HOMA values were also calculated, and t tests were used to test the null hypothesis that the average change in these measurements in the control and exercise groups was zero. Finally, a multiple linear regression model was used to adjust for baseline insulin level on changes in insulin over the 16-week study period.
Compliance with the exercise intervention was measured by the percentage of scheduled strength training sessions attended in an intent-to-treat fashion, as well as one-sample t tests comparing the weekly minutes of aerobic exercise performed with baseline minutes of activity and with the target goal of 90 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Finally, percentage of increased weight lifted from the first session to the final session was calculated, using the last-observation-carried-forward procedure for all participants who did not complete the trial.
One hundred one participants were enrolled onto the protocol, 51 in the exercise group and 50 in the control group (Fig 1). Baseline data are available for 100 participants. Baseline characteristics were distributed similarly in the exercise and control groups (Table 1). The majority of the participants were postmenopausal, had stage I or II cancers, and had been treated with chemotherapy. Approximately two thirds of participants were receiving hormonal therapy, with the majority of women receiving tamoxifen.
Baseline and Treatment Characteristics
Eighteen women withdrew consent and/or did not complete the study (Fig 1). Participants who dropped out tended to be slightly heavier than patients who completed the protocol, with a slightly greater BMI and percent body fat, but none of these differences was statistically significant.
Exercise Intervention
Fifty-one participants were randomly assigned to the exercise intervention. Although 11 participants ultimately did not complete the intervention, at least partial exercise data were available for 49 participants. Using intent-to-treat analyses, participants attended a mean of 73% of scheduled strength training sessions and performed 114 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Weekly aerobic exercise was significantly greater than both baseline aerobic activity (11 min/wk) and the study target goal of 90 minutes of aerobic activity per week (P < .0001 for both analyses).
Participants in the intervention group demonstrated an increase in strength for each of the tested exercises between baseline and the final week of the protocol (Table 2). In an exploratory, intent-to-treat analysis (including women who stopped participating in the protocol after only one to two strength training sessions), strength increased by an average of 42% to 106% for each of the exercises.
Change in Strength Over the 16-Week Exercise Intervention
Physical Measurements
Baseline and week 16 anthropometric data were available for 82 participants (Table 3). At baseline, participants, on average, weighed approximately 80 kg and had a BMI slightly greater than 30 kg/m2 and a body composition including 45% fat. After the intervention, participants in the exercise group demonstrated a significant decrease in hip circumference (P = .02) and a trend towards a decrease in waist circumference (P = .06) compared with the control group. Participants in the control group did not experience any significant changes in physical measures.
Physical Measurements at Baseline and 16 Weeks
Insulin and Glucose Measurements
Fasting insulin and glucose measurements were available for 82 patients at both baseline and 16 weeks (40 patients in the exercise group and 42 patients in the control group). Table 4 lists all hormonal measurements. Baseline levels of insulin were slightly higher in the exercise group, with a broader range of values seen among the participants in this group, but these differences were not statistically significant (P = .39). After the 16-week exercise or control period, insulin levels decreased by an average of 2.86 μU/mL (28%) in the exercise group (P = .03) and 0.27 μU/mL (3%) in the control group (P = .65). There was also a marginally significant improvement in insulin resistance in the exercise group after the 16-week exercise intervention (P = .05), with no significant change in controls (P = .81). A comparison of the change in insulin levels across time in the two groups approached statistical significance (P = .07). There was also a trend toward improvements in insulin sensitivity in the exercise group (P = .09), with no change seen in fasting glucose levels. Given the slightly higher baseline insulin in the exercise group, a multiple linear regression model was performed to evaluate the impact of baseline insulin levels on change in insulin. In the multivariate model, baseline insulin level was strongly associated with change in insulin (r = −0.69, P < .001), and the relationship between exercise and change in insulin remained of borderline statistical significance (P = .076).
Insulin, Glucose, and Insulin Resistance Measurements at Baseline and 16 Weeks
Despite inconsistent past evidence, several recent observational studies have suggested that women who are physically active after breast cancer diagnosis have a better prognosis than sedentary women. The Nurses' Health Study investigators demonstrated that breast cancer patients who engaged in at least 3 hours of moderate physical activity per week after diagnosis had a 40% to 50% lower risk of cancer recurrence and death compared with inactive women.5 The Women's Healthy Eating and Living Trial demonstrated that women who were physically active and consumed a diet high in fruits and vegetables at the time of study enrollment (within 4 years of breast cancer diagnosis) had a significantly better prognosis than did women who were inactive or had lower intake of fruit and vegetables; however, the trial did not demonstrate an impact of dietary change on breast cancer outcomes.15 Finally, Abrahamson et al6 demonstrated a lower risk of death in young breast cancer patients who were physically active in the year before cancer diagnosis.
Although the mechanisms linking exercise to breast cancer prognosis are not well understood, several recent studies have demonstrated that elevated fasting insulin levels, which are often seen in obese and inactive individuals, are associated with an increased risk of recurrence and death in patients with early-stage breast cancer. Goodwin et al9 demonstrated a two-fold increase in the risk of cancer recurrence and a three-fold risk of death in patients with the highest quartile of fasting insulin levels compared with patients with the lowest quartile. Another recent study demonstrated that women with high levels of C-peptide at the time of breast cancer diagnosis were found to have a lower event-free survival compared with women with lower levels of C-peptide,10 and a third trial demonstrated that breast cancer patients with metabolic syndrome, a condition including elevated fasting glucose levels and increased abdominal adiposity, had a three-fold increase in the risk of cancer recurrence compared with patients without these factors.16
To our knowledge, our trial is the first to demonstrate that participation in a moderate intensity, mixed aerobic and strength training exercise intervention led to a decrease in insulin levels in breast cancer survivors. Other key findings of this trial included the high rates of compliance with the strength and endurance components of the exercise intervention, as well as the significant decrease in hip circumference in the exercise group.
Given the observational data demonstrating that high levels of insulin and C-peptide at the time of breast cancer diagnosis are associated with poor prognosis, several other trials have explored the impact of exercise on insulin levels. In noncancer populations, there is significant evidence that both strength training and aerobic exercise lower insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity.17-19 However, trials to date have not demonstrated exercise-induced decreases in insulin levels or improvements in insulin sensitivity in breast cancer populations. Fairey et al20 randomly assigned 53 breast cancer survivors to a 15-week aerobic exercise intervention or to a control group. Although compliance with the exercise intervention was excellent, insulin levels tended to increase over the 15-week study period in both groups, with no significant change in insulin levels in either group. Schmitz et al21 also randomly assigned 85 breast cancer survivors to a strength training intervention or to a delayed exercise control group. Women in the exercise group significantly increased lean body mass and decreased body fat compared with controls, but again, there was no significant change in insulin levels in either group.
There are several possible reasons why our trial showed a significant decrease in fasting insulin levels whereas the other two trials did not. With a larger sample size, we had greater power to demonstrate a small change in insulin levels. However, this does not explain why both of the other studies showed an increase in insulin levels over the course of the study rather than a decrease, as would be expected from the non–breast cancer literature. Our study restricted enrollment to women who were overweight or who had at least 30% body fat. Although baseline insulin levels were similar in the three studies, there was a wider range of baseline levels seen in our study, as evidenced by the larger standard deviations in baseline insulin level. Given the relationship between baseline insulin level and change in insulin that we observed, it is possible that we saw a more significant decrease in insulin levels because of the inclusion of more individuals with high baseline insulin.
Our study also demonstrated changes in anthropometric measures consistent with those seen in previous studies of exercise interventions in breast cancer survivors.22,23 Although we saw no significant changes in weight or BMI over the course of the 16-week study period, we did see a significant decrease in hip measurements in the exercise group, suggesting a decrease in fat stores. Prior studies have suggested that exercise alone will not result in weight loss but can be essential in avoidance of weight gain.24,25 Other studies have also suggested that exercise can decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass in cancer patients.21,26 The majority of these trials used dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scanning to assess fat mass, which has been demonstrated to be more accurate in assessing body composition than the bioelectric impedance analyzer used in our study. Given the use of the bioelectric impedance analyzer in our trial rather than dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scanning, it is difficult to determine the true impact of physical activity on body composition.
Several other weaknesses of our trial should be acknowledged. First, we did not measure physical activity in the control group, and it is possible that control participants increased activity after enrollment, thereby obscuring our ability to detect a difference between the groups. Several studies have demonstrated that few sedentary individuals will adopt and adhere to an exercise program without assistance.12,27 However, Courynea et al28 did see an increase in physical activity in patients assigned to a waitlist control group in their study of an exercise intervention in colon cancer survivors, and it is possible that our control patients also increased their activity. Second, our measure of aerobic physical activity in the exercise group was based on self-report. Although self-reported exercise has been used to track exercise behaviors in other studies,28-30 these measurements are subject to reporting error. Third, although hormonal assays were performed by technicians blinded to group assignment, anthropometric measures were collected by unblinded study staff, thus potentially biasing measurement of waist and hip circumference. Finally, our exercise intervention was of relatively short duration, and we do not know whether the observed changes in insulin levels would be maintained over a longer period of time.
In conclusion, this trial demonstrates that women randomly assigned to a moderate intensity, mixed aerobic and strength training exercise intervention experienced a significant decrease in insulin levels and circumference at the hip, as well as some improvement in insulin sensitivity. Future trials are needed to explore more fully the physiologic changes that exercise induces in breast cancer patients and whether changes in biomarkers such as insulin are associated with improvements in breast cancer prognosis. Ultimately, prospective studies will be needed to determine the impact of physical activity on recurrence and survival in early-stage breast cancer patients.
The author(s) indicated no potential conflicts of interest.
Conception and design: Jennifer A. Ligibel, Eric P. Winer
Administrative support: Taylor Salinardi, Kristie Adloff
Provision of study materials or patients: Jennifer A. Ligibel, Ann Partridge, Wendy Y. Chen, Eric P. Winer
Collection and assembly of data: Jennifer A. Ligibel, Nancy Campbell, Taylor Salinardi
Data analysis and interpretation: Jennifer A. Ligibel, Haiyan Chen, Kristie Adloff, Aparna Keshaviah, Eric P. Winer
Manuscript writing: Jennifer A. Ligibel, Ann Partridge, Wendy Y. Chen, Haiyan Chen, Aparna Keshaviah, Eric P. Winer
Final approval of manuscript: Jennifer A. Ligibel
Exercise Intervention
Participants randomly assigned to the exercise group participated in a 16-week mixed strength and endurance training intervention. For the strength training portion of the protocol, participants engaged in two supervised 50-minute sessions each week. Groups of one to three women worked with a personal trainer during each of these sessions, which took place in a Fitcorp fitness center (Boston, MA) adjacent to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The training sessions began with a 5-minute warm-up session of low-intensity walking on the treadmill followed by 10 minutes of static stretching exercises. The strength training program focused largely on lower body and core muscle strength, given the limited data regarding the impact of upper body exercise on the risk of lymphedema. The following exercises were incorporated into each exercise session: leg press, quadriceps extension, hamstring curl, hip adductor, hip abductor, abdominal crunches, calf press, and leg lifts. For exercises performed on weight machines, baseline strength was assessed with a one-repetition maximum test after participants were familiarized with the equipment. For subsequent strength training sessions, initial weight was set at 80% of the maximum weight from the baseline strength testing. Participants were asked to perform two to four sets of 10 repetitions for each muscle group. Once a participant was able to complete all 10 repetitions for two to four sets during two consecutive training sessions, the weight was increased by 10% for the next session.
Participants were asked to perform 90 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on their own each week. Each participant was given a pedometer and heart rate monitor on enrollment. Participants were asked to use the heart rate monitor when exercising and to record the number of minutes per week of cardiovascular exercise and the number of steps per day in an exercise journal. Participants were allowed to choose their own form of exercise, as long as it produced a heart rate in the target zone (55% to 80% of maximum heart rate). The exercise journals were reviewed by the exercise physiologist with the patient on a weekly basis to confirm weekly minutes of activity and to set goals for the next week of the program.
Supported by the American Society of Clinical Oncology and Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Presented in part at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 2-6, 2006, Atlanta, GA; and the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 1-5, 2007, Chicago, IL.
Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and author contributions are found at the end of this article.
- Received May 24, 2007.
- Accepted September 25, 2007.