1. dengue_related_diseases.txt This is the ranked list of 4729 diseases retrieved from GDN using dengue as the seed. Format: disease|rank 2. ranked_pathways_for_diseases.txt This is a ranked list of 580 pathways associated with dengue-related disease genes. Format: Pathways|percentage 3. ranked_repositioned_drug_candiates_FDA.txt This is a ranked list of 1483 repositioned drugs using drug-disease treatment pairs derived from FDA drug labeling. Format: drug|ranking score 4. ranked_repositioned_drug_candiates_postmarket.txt This is a ranked list of 1336 repositioned drugs using drug-disease treatment pairs derived from FDA post-market drug surveilance system. Format: drug|ranking score 5. ranked_repositioned_drug_candiates_clinicaltrials.txt This is a ranked list of 1286 repositioned drugs using drug-disease treatment pairs derived from clinical trials. Format: drug|ranking score 6. ranked_repositioned_drug_candiates_FDA.txt This is a ranked list of 1560 repositioned drugs using drug-disease treatment pairs derived from published biomedical literature. Format: drug|ranking score 7. ranked_repositioned_drug_candiates_FDA.txt This is a ranked list of 1943 repositioned drugs using drug-disease treatment pairs derived from all four drug treatment databases.. Format: drug|ranking score 8. ranked_pathways_for_drugs.txt This is a ranked list of 80 genetic pathways targeted by drug candiates. Format: drug|enrichment folds as compared to random